Opportunities for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Take this unique opportunity to easily and effectively reach hundreds of the world’s leading international professionals in science and technology of spoken language processing.
From advertising to conference sponsorship, we offer a range of high-impact promotional packages to make the most of this significant gathering.
In addition, organizations can exhibit at the conference. An exciting range of sponsorship opportunities has been created to allow each company the opportunity to showcase their organization as best suits their needs and budget.
More Opportunities for the Industry
Interspeech has a rich history of industry partners contributing in different capacities to the conference organization and enriching scientific discovery and dissemination. We are thrilled by the overwhelming interest we have received so far from our industry partners, and we are looking to bring more industry engagement to Interspeech 2024.
On top of the above sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, we also welcome our partners from the industry to participate in our regular academic program. Interspeech continues to advance speech technology in various domains. This year, we also invite academic and industrial players working on “Speech and Beyond.” Beyond speech might include, but is not limited to, multimodal (e.g., audio-visual), healthcare, gaming, etc.
If you wish to participate in the academic program, you may:
- Submit a “Show and Tell” proposal to demonstrate a proof of concept or a demo during a single regular conference session (usually 1.5-2 hours).
Here is the LINK to the call for proposals, and if you have a question, reach out to show-tell@interspeech2024.org.
- Submit a Tutorial proposal to let the Interspeech audience know about how you are pioneering a particular field to improve human communication and enhance the user experience.
Here is the LINK to the call for proposals, and if you have a question, reach out to tutorials@interspeech2024.org.
- Submit a regular paper to let your academic and industry peers review your submission and provide feedback.
Here is the LINK to the call for proposals, and if you have a question, reach out to generalchairs@interspeech2024.org.
Note that submissions to the regular program undergo the regular review process, as any other proposal.

Conference Secretariat
Ortra Ltd.
94 Yigal Alon St.
Alon Tower 2
Tel Aviv 6789139
Tel: +972-3-6384444 Fax: +972-3-6384455
Email: interspeech2024@ortra.com