
A Conference venue, Kipriotis Hotels & Conference Center (KICC), is located 5 KM from the city center on the Kos island, Greece.

It has hosted a variety of events from conferences and business meetings, exhibitions, shows, cultured events, product launches and banquets.

Please see the conference venue page for more details.

Entry Visas

All visitors are required to have a valid passport, and for some countries, a visa is required. For more information, please contact your nearest Embassy, Consulate, or local travel agency well in advance. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa if required.

Greece is a Member-State of the European Union and has ratified the Schengen Agreement. Citizens traveling inside the E.U. just need to display their police I.D. Card without the need of a passport. However, a passport is necessary for a number of other transactions, such as currency exchange, purchases, etc. Visas are not required by citizens of Member-States of the Schengen Agreement. Greece follows the provisions of the Schengen Agreement, which abolished controls on common internal lands, at air and sea borders and allows Member-State citizens to travel around without a visa for a short stay period of up to three (3) months. However, airlines and other carriers require a valid passport and/or police I.D. Card or other forms of official identification means. Citizens of the majority of the countries that are not Member-States of the Schengen Agreement require a visa to enter Greece and the E.U. Visitors from these countries can obtain further information from the Hellenic Embassies or Consulates in their countries, or even from their travel agencies. Visas are not required by holders of valid passports from the following non-E.U. countries if they want to visit Greece and remain in the country for up to 3 months (90 days) within a chronological period of 6 months: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador,  Guatemala,  Honduras,  Israel,  Japan,  Malaysia,  Mexico,  Monaco,  New Zealand,  Vatican,  Nicaragua,  Panama,  Paraguay,  Saint Marino,  Singapore,  South Korea,  USA,  Uruguay,  Venezuela Note: During their stay in Greece, visitors with a visa must also have suitable insurance coverage for emergency medical or other needs. (source: www.eot.gr )

Read more at: https://www.kos4all.com/5330/visa-entry-requirements/


Greece’s official language is Greek, however many Greeks also speak English .

The official language of the conference is English.

Weather and Clothing

Greece coastal regions are classified as having a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot and dry summers and cool, rainy winters.

Greece enjoys temperate weather throughout the year. No rain is expected from early spring through late autumn.

Along with avoiding excessive exposure to the sun, visitors are recommended to wear protective head coverings and use sunblock.

Evenings might be cooler. A light jacket is recommended.


The unit of currency in Greece is the Euro.


Electricity in Greece is supplied at 230V, 50Hz and has a two-pin connecting plug.

Value Added Tax Reimbursement

According to the Value Added Tax (VAT) Law, a foreign tourist is able to benefit from a zero rate of VAT on a vast array of services obtained during a stay in Greece. In addition, a special arrangement exists whereby a tourist may also request a VAT refund on purchases made during a stay.

Child Care Services

Conference participants who are interested in obtaining a Child Care Services may contact the service directly for all related information:

Life Nannies web site.


*Please note that this is an independent service and is not affiliated with INTERSPEECH 2024.
