Submission Policy

The Interspeech 2024 Submission Policy comprises the Pre-prints Policy which applies to pre-prints and other materials that overlap with the content of a submitted manuscript, and the Conference Policy which applies to submitted manuscripts.

Interspeech 2024 Pre-prints Policy

As in the last few years, Interspeech 2024 follows a double blind review process meant to ensure that submissions are reviewed fairly and without bias. The following rules and guidelines are meant to protect the integrity of this process. In particular, the rules aim to prevent reviewers from unwillingly uncovering the identity or affiliation of the authors. To this end, online posting of any version* of the paper under submission is forbidden during an anonymity period starting one month prior to the Interspeech submission deadline and up to the moment the accept/reject decisions are announced. Note that this rule is more stringent than previous years when the anonymity period started at the time of submission and ran until the end of the review period.

Following are the detailed guidelines for authors: 

  • Authors may not make a non-anonymized version of the paper available online (for example, via a preprint server like arxiv) during the anonymity period. The restriction only applies to postings that are publicly accessible. For example, online postings of non-refereed papers that are only accessible to attendees of a specific event do not apply.
  • If a non-refereed non-anonymized version of a paper was posted online before the start of the anonymity period, the paper may be submitted to the conference. The submitted version must not refer to the non-anonymized version. Further, the non-anonymized version may not be updated or advertised on social media during the anonymity period.
  • The content of the paper should not include any information that could potentially lead the reviewers to guess the identity or affiliation of the authors. For example, this includes references to prior work from the authors or to webpages where the author’s identity or affiliation is evident in any way. For further guidelines on this issue, please refer to the paper template. 
  • Anonymous versions of the paper may be posted online, for example, through the openreview anonymous server. The anonymous version should not be placed in webpages that would uncover the affiliation of the authors.
  • Once the review process is completed, authors are allowed to post non-anonymized pre-prints online or unmask their identity on the already-posted anonymous versions. In that case, a note indicating that the paper was submitted for review to (or, eventually, accepted at) Interspeech should be included in the posting. 

Blog posts, press releases, and other materials being placed in the public domain that overlap with content of a manuscript submitted to Interspeech should be treated in the same way as pre-prints and are therefore subject to the same conditions.

*By a version of the paper we refer to a non-refereed paper having enough overlap in scientific content with the submission in a way that would make it evident to the reviewers that the authors are the same. Papers with enough overlap but differing in title or structure and/or in length (e.g., an expanded or summarized version) still qualify as versions of the same paper.

Interspeech 2024 Conference Policy

Originality: All papers submitted to Interspeech 2024 must be original contributions that are not currently submitted to any other conference, workshop, or journal, nor will be submitted to any other conference, workshop, or journal during the review process of Interspeech 2024. In all such paper submissions, any use of prior material should be cited by a reference to the source of that prior material, including one’s own work, i.e., if an author uses earlier existing material, whether from one’s own work or that of others, that work should be cited in the paper’s list of references. Any violation of this policy may result in sanctions by ISCA, such as a ban on further submissions to ISCA publications by these authors.

Affiliation: Author affiliation should be at the time of final submission of the paper.

Referencing: Papers submitted to ISCA-endorsed events (in particular Interspeech and ISCA workshops) should refer to peer-reviewed publications. References to non-peer-reviewed publications (including public repositories such as arXiv, Preprints and HAL, software and personal communications) should only be made if there is no peer-reviewed publication available, should be kept to a minimum, and should appear as footnotes in the text (i.e., not in the references list).

Presentation: Each accepted paper should be presented by one of the authors in person at the meeting site according to the schedule published. Please see the No-show Policy below.

Coverage: Each accepted paper must be covered by at least one of its co-authors with a full, student, or retired registration (can be at a “light” rate). Participants registering as student or retired will be able to cover two papers for presentation and publication, and participants with a full registration can cover a maximum of 4 papers.

Copyright: By each submission of a paper to Interspeech 2024, the author(s) hereby warrant(s) that the manuscript has been submitted to ISCA (the International Speech Communication Association) for publication in the Interspeech 2024 Proceedings, IS ORIGINAL AND HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION OR PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE and that all trademark use within the manuscript has been credited to its owner or written permission to use the name has been granted. In addition, the author(s) acknowledge(s) that all images such as tables, screenshots, graphics, etc., do not have a copyright that is held by a third party. The author also attests that legal permission from the copyright holders has been attained for all multimedia or other materials included in the submission. The author(s) agree(s) to, and hereby assign(s) all rights, title and interest, including copyrights, in and to the manuscript to ISCA. The author(s) retain(s) the rights to any intellectual property developed by the author(s) and included in the manuscript. Note that the ISCA reviewing process is confidential. The copyright is provisionally transferred to ISCA at the time of submission of the article. This copyright is definitively assigned to ISCA if the manuscript is accepted after the reviewing process. If the manuscript is not accepted, the copyright transfer to ISCA is thus abrogated. For any article published in Interspeech proceedings, ISCA grants each author permission to use the article in that author’s dissertation or in institutional repositories (paper and/or electronic versions), provided that the article is correctly referenced (including page numbers and/or paper number). All authors of a paper have the same permission for reprinting, under the same conditions. Authors are allowed to submit manuscripts to Interspeech conferences for consideration only if the authors are able to transfer all rights, title and interest, including copyrights, for the manuscript to ISCA, i.e., authors have not transferred copyright to another party prior to submission.

Archive: If accepted, the submitted paper will be published in the conference proceedings and archived by ISCA, and the authors must follow the registration requirements.

No-show Policy: In the case that none of the authors of a paper can attend the conference and present the paper in oral or poster form, and assuming the authors do not wish to withdraw their paper(s) from the Interspeech proceedings, the following policy will be applied:

  1. Authors must immediately inform the TPC Chairs as soon as possible when it is clear that none of the authors can present the paper, providing the reason for the absence and proof. For instance, in the case of health or visa issues, a doctor’s note or visa rejection letter needs to be provided to the TPC Chairs.
  2. Authors will collaborate closely with the TPC Chairs in order to find an alternative for the presentation; such an alternative may be a non-author presenting the paper on behalf of the authors, a proper-length, pre-recorded video of the the oral presentation, or an audio-visual communication channel for the duration of the presentation (depending on the technical possibilities of the conference location), etc.
  3. The TPC Chairs will assess whether the reasons presented by the no-show authors deem to be substantiated, and whether sufficient steps have been taken to not harm the smooth running of the conference. If the TPC Chairs judge the reasons to be substantiated, the no-show may be accepted without further sanctions. If the presented reasons do not seem substantiated, the TPC Chairs are required to delete the respective paper(s) from the proceedings (if still possible) and from the ISCA online archive.