Show & Tell presenters will be provided with:
- A poster board
- A presentation table
- WIFI connection
- A power outlet
- Your poster MUST be in portrait format.
- Your poster must be printed and MUST NOT BE LARGER than A0: Height=1189mm, Width=841mm.
- Each Show & Tell presenter will be provided with double-sided tape to attach their poster to their assigned board. Pins may not be used on the poster boards as they damage the boards: only double-sided tape is permitted.
- You will have access to the Panel Desk during lunch break before the start of your poster session.
- Each Panel Desk will be numbered. You should display your presentation at the assigned desk as listed in the program (i.e., if your Show & Tell is listed as no. 1.2, use display desk no. 2).
- Show & Tell presentations must be removed at the end of the session. Conference organizers will not be responsible for the remaining posters.
- At least one of the authors must be present at the scheduled presentation for the entire time. Session Chairs will check for Show & Tell without a presenter and these will be removed from ISCA Archives.
- Please note posters should NOT be sent to the TPC-Chairs, nor the conference organisers, but should be brought as a hardcopy by the presenter and placed on their numbered desk.

Suggested Poster Format
- Posters should be easily read at a distance of 1.5 meters.
- A poster printed on one large sheet of paper is encouraged.
- Include the title of the paper, the authors’ names, and their affiliations at the top of the poster.
- Avoid excessive amounts of text. Instead, provide information in short bullet points.
- Poster boards will be numbered; you do not need to leave room on your poster for this label.
- Introduction and Summary/Conclusions sections are advised.
- Double spaced text is recommended.

Poster Printing Service
Deadline has passed . Service is not available anymore.
Interspeech 2024 is very pleased to be able to offer Poster Printing Service! A high-quality printing and delivery service at KICC is available to all poster presenters.
The printing and delivery service cost is 55€ per poster.
Deadline to submit the online form for a poster to be printed: August 25th, 2024.
You can pick up your poster at cloak room operating at KICC the following dates & time.
- Sunday, September 1st | 07:30 – 17:30
- Monday, September 2nd | 08:00 – 19:00
- Tuesday, September 3rd | 08:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday, September 4th | 08:00 – 18:00
- Thursday, September 5th | 08:00 – 17:00